What has changed in the housing law in Spain
Spain’s new housing law aims to improve affordability and includes rent controls, tenant protection, landlord tax breaks and measures against empty properties.
Landlords renting out homes in “stressed areas” (regions with rental shortages) can receive tax deductions of up to 90%. For example, a 90% discount is available for a 5% rent reduction, 70% for young tenants (18-35), 60% for renovated properties and a basic 50% discount for all landlords. These benefits cannot be combined.
The law limits rent increases in “stressed areas” where rental costs exceed 30% of income or prices have increased by more than 3% over five years. In such areas, tenancy terms must remain unchanged for up to three years.
To protect vulnerable tenants, evictions are made more difficult and require the provision of a social alternative. Owners of properties that have been empty for more than two years are required to pay increased property taxes, which can reach 150%.
Landlords renting out homes in “stressed areas” (regions with rental shortages) can receive tax deductions of up to 90%. For example, a 90% discount is available for a 5% rent reduction, 70% for young tenants (18-35), 60% for renovated properties and a basic 50% discount for all landlords. These benefits cannot be combined.
The law limits rent increases in “stressed areas” where rental costs exceed 30% of income or prices have increased by more than 3% over five years. In such areas, tenancy terms must remain unchanged for up to three years.
To protect vulnerable tenants, evictions are made more difficult and require the provision of a social alternative. Owners of properties that have been empty for more than two years are required to pay increased property taxes, which can reach 150%.