The best beaches in Spain
The level of development of beach infrastructure in Spain is undoubtedly above all praise. But among the variety of choices there are exclusive corners that have turned into places of real pilgrimage for tourists.
It is extremely difficult among hundreds of applicants to determine the most worthy to head the rating of the best recreation areas on the coast with a length of 8 thousand kilometers. Naturally, the right of choice always remains with us, but it is worth listening to the opinion of experts who believe that the TOP 5 of the most beautiful beaches in Spain are:
Las Catedrales (Cathedral Beach) – Ribadeo, Galicia. Amazing place surrounded by rocks and mysterious grottoes.
Bologna – Cadiz, Andalusia. One of the best complexes in the south of the country.
Ses Illetes – Formentera, Balearic Islands. The seaside zone is of amazing beauty, with water of an unusual turquoise hue. Ideal for families with children.
La Concha – San Sebastian, Basque Country. A crescent-lined beach with golden sand, surrounded by tropical nature. It is located within the city and organically coexists with the modern urban landscape.
Cofete – Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Beach area stretching for 35 km. Located in the natural park, in a place with unspoiled virgin nature.