Birthday in Spain
Celebrating a birthday in Spain is not limited to a real calendar date and, as a rule, lasts for several weeks, or even a month. This is due not only to an excessive desire for entertainment, but also to the fact that adult Spaniards are not accepted to present gifts if the date falls on a weekday. That is why, they try to organize banquets on weekends. At first, with the family, and on subsequent weekends – with friends, acquaintances and colleagues.
In addition, it is customary to celebrate name days. For people whose names are chosen in honor of Catholic saints considered their personal patrons, this event is much more significant than the celebration of an official birthday.
Carefree Spaniards prefer to hold such celebrations in restaurants and bars, not wanting to burden themselves with household chores. And in the matter of choosing a present for the birthday party, they are not particularly scrupulous. Relatives and close relatives specific wishes in advance regarding the gift. It is customary for friends and colleagues to give money or gift certificates. Spaniards delight children with holidays organized in the fresh air or in specialized entertainment centers. The abundance of toys and sweets, fun contests and provocative laughter are integral attributes of a children's celebration.
But do not forget that the set of knives presented to the Spaniard, a bouquet of 13 flowers or a yellow outfit can be regarded as an insult and cause a quarrel and deep resentment.
Well, a prudently captured bottle of good wine will be a great addition to the main gift.