Preparing for the deal
• NIE registration
After the object is selected, it is necessary to obtain a foreigner identification number (NIE). The NIE can be obtained directly in Spain. Without this document, no legally significant action can be taken in Spain.
• Opening a Spanish bank account
To buy real estate, you will need to open an account with a Spanish bank. It is necessary to settle with the seller, and in the future - to pay taxes and utility bills.
• Checking the legal status of real estate
The procedure for buying real estate in Spain includes checking the legal status of real estate: what is its area, who is the owner, whether there are any unpaid bills and debts (they go to the new owner).
All information is contained in an extract from the real estate register, which can be ordered personally or via the Internet and received within 1-2 days.
• Obtaining a mortgage (if necessary)
Today Spanish banks are ready to provide 50-60% of the cost of housing for a period of 10 to 30 years at 3.2-4% per annum. Registration of a mortgage is associated with the need to provide various documents on income, such as a certificate of employment, tax return, bank statement, papers on ownership of real estate or shares. It is worth remembering that according to the European rule, mortgage payments cannot exceed 30% of income. In other words, you need to earn 3 times more than the monthly payment.
El proceso de préstamo demora hasta un mes. Los costos del prestatario se expresan en comisiones bancarias del 1% al 2% y un impuesto de timbre del 0,1% al 2% del monto del préstamo. La tasación de la propiedad inmobiliaria (200 € - 500 €) y el seguro (200 € - 300 € por año para un objeto de la categoría de precio medio) se pagan por separado.